Sunday, August 28, 2011

Take away and a Movie

Since hubby's toe is still paining him, the doc said to bathe it with TCP and ointment cream so we decided to stay indoor, the long walk at the museum the other day was making it worst (poor thing). besides, the weather wasn't exactly nice anyway yesterday. We ordered a chinese food take away and watched Harry Potter and the deathly hallows on cable pay per view :)

I did abit of craft with the free kit from the stiching magazine that i bought awhile back, a pin cushion.

and just browsing a new Cath Kidston Catalogue that arrived on the doorstep, drooling at everything in the catalogue.

seems like sunday is going to be bright, we're going to hubby's parents house for abit, then take a walk down town and lunch. Have a blessed Sunday! :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Weald and Downland

We actually planned to go to the Weald and Downland Open air Museum on Tuesday but it was pouring down with rain so i'm glad yesterday we finally managed to go there (thank you sunshine!)

Talking about travelling through time and see collection of historic buildings dating from 13th to 19th century in 40 acres of beautiful picturesqe sussex countryside, boy i'm knackered! I'm only going to show you some photos which i think my fave or not so boring but i took loads of photos that i dont want to flood blogspot with them all :)

The Bayleaf Farmstead house with a beautiful garden complete with a field of hops and tamworth pig close to the house, lots to see and many things to do mostly for kids though, lino printing, learn to knit, basket weaving, corn doll making and even a session to attend a victorian school for children with the school teacher wearing a victorian costume,to name a few.

Poplar cottage is my 2nd fave after the Bayleaf farmstead house, but i'm not so sure i wanted to live in those era coz i dont fancy going to their oh-so-unappealing loo. Just sit in that round gaping hole when u do your business, but if u move forward a lil bit and look down, u can actually see what's come out from the hole, the loo is on the 2nd floor and whatever comes down from the hole will become manure or so they told me *eww*

Passed by more houses, went inside each houses and walked up to the narrow and steep staircases, noticed lots of dried flowers either hung up or on the floor, snapping photos everytime, exhausting but kind of fun especially when we went to see the mill house where they made a wholemeal flour and again passed by more barns, granary and stopped to see the Shire horses, though i'm not too keen on getting too close coz they're huge!

and tasting the oh so fresh flatbread made traditionally in one of the kitchen in the Tudor house by this lady, yummy!

Those flatbread tasting made us hungry so we went to have a picnic near the duck pond, I purposely brought my own food, some sandwiches and blueberry muffins. Fed the duck with the leftover. Oh fun!

and after about 4 hours or so walking, our last stop was the museum shop, i only bought a fridge magnet as i like collecting it whenever i go somewhere as a souvenir and a real horse shoe which they sell after not being used anymore from the horses, well for luck! :)

That's all for now, if tomorrow's going to be bright, we might head down to town and watch something in the cinema or even a visit to a pub for lunch but if not, there's always a take away and pay per view on cable :P

I think i've had enough sheeps, cows, donkeys and horses for one day though they're all soo cute, everytime passing by a huge field to get to one house to the next :)

next time..i'd prefer to pay a visit to a miniatures houses, might not take hours to walk, u think? :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Helen!

Last week was my mother in law's 72nd Birthday and since she celebrated it with her husband by taking a trip together, i thought to invite her over this week for a lunch, too bad my sister in law couldn't come as she lives in brighton and had to work on sunday. I didn't do anything fancy as she's having a prob with her tooth and can only eat something soft, so I cooked spaghetti carbonara with lots of cream to make them soft. I also baked her sort of a birthday cake, which was one of her fave and something i was confident of making as i have done it alot of time, Victoria Sponge cake :)

It was a relaxing lunch with a bottle of red wine that both of them enjoyed, hubby couldn't drink more than one small glass as he had to pick and drop them home, watched cats and dogs that we recorded as they love animals and seem to laugh alot during the movie.

and of course we had the cake and tea :)

That's her fave mug whenever she came over :)

Once they've gone, I cleaned up the mess and had more tea, Hubby has taken a week off work, not sure what we're going to do for a week but a visit to a doctor will come first as hubby's toe has been troubling him these couple of days.

That's it from me, Have a wonderful day and Happy Tea Time Tuesday!

Linking to:

Rose Chintz Cottage


Thursday, August 18, 2011

My 1st Granny Blanket

Yay! it's finished! after painstakingly more than a month making the granny squares (thanks to the tutorial in youtube), i finally made my first granny blanket. I'm kind of proud of myself coz there were times i wanted to give up coz i had to make about 47 squares to make a decent size and had to go through trials and errors on combining the squares, not to mention when i ran out of wool in the middle of it and had to make a quick dash to get new wools but the haberdashery near my home doesn't have alot of stock *urgh*.

I'm not overly happy about the choices of colors and the arrangement i made (i think white wool is good for the edges, not as a square, it's my opinion) but i thought this is just an experiment and it's a good way of using up my wool stock and boy it did used up alot of wools! I need to buy new stock at the shop downtown where they have more selection of colors.

so, i'll probably use it for leg warmer when it gets colder, I'm already set on making more, maybe trying a hexagonal type or something else, look forward to use more colors and make it fun!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tea in the middle of August

well another not so fancy tea time tuesday for me, feeling abit moody and uninspired (blame it on PMS) and lazy to make anything other than put a kettle on and drink tea. Browsing the Country Tea Parties book (see previous post) and not much else, really.

and since i saw lots of my fellow tea party bloggers showing their collection of lovely roosters' teacups/vignette/decorations, i decided to use one as well for my tea time, bought the 4 cups and saucers from charity shops awhile back, cant remember the price anymore but i'm sure it's under £5 for the lot and it's by Johnson Bros.

i've been craving for chocolates these days,so i spoilt myself with Ferrero rocher while drinking English Breakfast tea. I kinda like the saucer as it has a cute design on it so took a pic of it to show you.

that's all from me, Have a lovely Tea Time Tuesday!

Linking to:

Rose Chintz Cottage


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Weekend Update

Just a short post on saturday since nothing much going on, the day's been wet and gloomy anyways and i'm spending it so far by watching tv while crocheting :)

I did managed to pop by at a charity shop near my house yesterday, though abit disappointing as I couldn't find anything i like except these;

a Country Tea Parties book with lovely illustrations inside for 50p and a wild flower card game for 30p. that's it! :)

..and just thought to take a random shot of my skorts (skirts + shorts) after doing my ironing session. Wishing everyone a brighter weekend!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dominoes Pendant

Remember the Dominoes that I bought awhile back from the charity shop for 40p? i finally could make good use of it and make them as pendants, although unfortunately it's not the tiled ones but rather wooden dominoes, however i'm happy with the result :)


* Dominoes (wooden or tiled ones)
* PVC Glue/ Mod Podge (i'm using Mod podge)
* Scrapbook paper/printed images of your choosing
* scissor
* 3D diamond glaze/ I'm using Anita's 3D Clear Gloss Finish Liquid Embossing
* E6000 glue/any strong super glue
* Bails/Findings
* Necklace

Click the pic to enlarge to see the step by step tutorial

I used the theme of Alice in Wonderland simply because i love it and the pendant can be used both sides too :) I'm going to put this in my online shop as soon as i get all the neccessary things as I still dont have enough necklace for each of them.

..and hopefully i'll find the tiled dominoes so i can make more :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Keep Calm and Drink Tea

I saw the news today about London Riot and across the UK, it's terrible! coincidentally, I also heard from my family in Jakarta that there's a riot going on between the neighborhood where my family lives with the other neighborhood! what the world's coming into? it's just sad and my family and i were asking each other if we're all okay. I hope everyone's okay too!

I guess the only thing I can do is to keep calm and hoping that the police will sort things out as soon as possible and brought those who initiate riots, looters and those who burnt buildings/shops to Justice.

Anyways, My Tea Time tuesday submission is a simple one, I'm drinking Jasmine tea simply coz the aroma makes me calm and love the taste of it and I made rice krispies tidbits that was taught by my dear mother in law many months ago and it's easy to make.

It's easy to make from rice pops, toffee candies, butter and marshmallows. Just melt the toffee candies with butter and marshmallow together and pour it into the rice pops and keep it overnight in the fridge.

I took these pics months ago when she tried to demonstrate to me on how to make it, you could say, it's my visual recipe from her :) Happy Tea Time Tuesday!

Linking to:

Rose Chintz Cottage
