Sunday, April 17, 2011

Late Mother's Day Gift

I finally finished the cross stitch pillow cushion from one of the Cath Kidston's book for my mother in law that i supposed to give it to her on Mother's day but sadly i didn't finish it on time, after some long tiring months with lots of distractions and other things to make, i finally finished it and yesterday I was able to give it to her, thank god she loves it!

After we spent a few hours at hubby's parents, we took a walk to the park and on the beach, i must say i took loads of pics coz the park is so beautiful with blooming flowers, but i wont post all of the pics in this entry :)

These were taken at Denton Gardens, one of the park in my town near the beach, Lovely isn't it? I'll be posting more pics in other posts.

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  1. You're a genius! Looks like you bought it in a boutique. I'm not surprised she loved it, you must be daughter in law of the year x

  2. I am a new follower via Google Friend Connect. I just started a new blog and hope that you can stop by and check it out.

  3. I am following you (suelee1998) from the blog hop , you have a great site. Would you like to follow me back?
    thank you :)

  4. Oh gosh Susan, I'm sure your MIL loves the pillow!!! Receiving something handmade like that is always more special than something bought:) You did a wonderful job, it's gorgeous!

    How beautiful the English gardens are. We have a lot of wild flowers growing around us right now, my friend and I walk everyday but I never remember my of these days!

    Have a lovely, peaceful Sunday my friend:)

  5. Thank ypu for visiting and following.. as I now have discovered your wonderful cornerof BlogLand and am following your blog too! I love what you did with the clothes pins .. fabulous and creative idea!!HHL

  6. Susan, the pillows are lovely! You've done a beautiful cross stitching, and the whole pillow design is wonderful.

    On the bright side, they can be an early Mother's Day gift...

    The Gardens are very pretty...I wish I had brought my camera to work the other day, because there was a hummingbird in the floral department, and he must have thought he was in Eden. I got to watch him up close...what an amazing little thing.

    Thank you for sharing all...many blessings to you,

  7. Lovely! I love to do cross stitch...didn't know Cath Kidston had a book...will have to look for it. Bet you're MIL thought it was worth waiting for!

  8. Thank you so much for following me Susan! I'm here to follow you back! :)
    Much love from Shopaholic Mommy

  9. It's such a gorgeous pillow, no wonder she loves it - and much better late than never! Hasn't the weather this weekend been fantastic; perfect for a flowery walk in the park! :-D

    Jem xXx

  10. wowsers - its beautiful - well done on another fabulous make, it looks so expensive! You could go into business with all your lovely crafty items :o) Scarlett x

  11. I love those pillows! Wow, so talented! And also loving the flowers. :)

    Thanks for stopping by - returning the follow
    henry  happened

  12. That pillow cushion is beautiful, and so are the flowers! Thanks for stopping by for Let's Get Social and linking up! I'm returning the "follow" luv!

    Mother of Pearl It Is
