My Entries for Day 12 to 22;
Day 12: Fork
Day 13: A Sign
Cafe sign, a gift from the lovely Bee Happy.
Day 14: Clouds
a cloud brooch that I made from felt
Day 15: Car
hubby's childhood toy
Day 16: Sunglasses
Spring is Here and what a glorious day outside!
Day 17: Green
My sainsburys shopping bag
Day 18: A corner of your home
my shed located right at the corner :P
Day 19: Funny
taken from my "Everything Alice" book, it's kinda funny i think :)
Day 20: Before/After
Finished making babushka doll from a free kit in mollie makes magazine,she's cute!
Day 21: Delicious
I went out with a friend to Haskins Garden Centre yesterday to drop in my job application form and she wanted to have a cup of coffee and a cake but gosh those cakes are so expensive though they look delicious, in the end we just had mocha with scones :)
Day 22: Kitchen Sink
Just another housechore, washing the dishes :p
...and i also would like to thank Alice for sending me a cute postcard from Paris! I'm so touched and Happy for her Big news! x
I've entered a lovely giveaway over at Bee Happy, Click the photo to go to her blog and enter the giveaway for a chance to win!