...I know it's late and i was supposed to post this on sunday but it's hard to get online on weekend when hubby's around :) so my tea time tuesday submission this week is all about my dad (eh? what's that got to do with father's day?) oh well...
It's been 9 years, 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days since my beloved papa went to heaven in 2002. Not a day goes by without me missing him, still wishing he was still alive.
He was a hardworker, a loyal and responsible man and the wisest person i've ever known and i'm so fortunate and grateful to be his daughter. He was a journalist and though he rarely home coz he worked too hard for us but when he was he always tried his best to spend alot of time with me and my 4 siblings. He taught me alot about life by showing me himself, i wont write too long as i dont think one page would be enough for me to describe what kind of man he was.
in the span of more than 10 years he had 3 strokes, the first one he was fortunate enough to recover, nothing serious or so we thought back then and i was still in junior high, the 2nd one made him half paralyzed, he could hardly walk but he was so determined to get better with lots of therapy and he even undergone an alternative therapy, it was a miracle that he could walk again and went back to work, despite our protests and asked him to stay at our countryside house, he couldn't sit still, he transformed the the land we had in the countryside into a farm, grew veggies to be sold, but when i graduated and spent more time abroad to study, I was in Singapore when it happened, he had a third storke, this time with other complications, heart attack and kidney failure. After two weeks in the ICU he passed away. I was by his side the day before as they only allowed one person to stay overnight and me and my other siblings took turn and that day he opened his eyes for a few mins, he smiled as if to say it'll be allright but i guess i knew it wont.

It's still hard to find the words to express how i feel, so many things i wanted to say, things that i regret not saying or doing,things i took for granted.. but i know he's still in alive in my heart or watches over me from up there. I made one of his favorite cake, Banana cake wrapped in banana leaf (Recipe click
HERE. it's abit hard sometimes to find ingredients for some indonesian delicacies so I had to improvise and sometimes fortunate enough to find some stuff in Asian/Chinese shops here. It doesnt look like the real thing but well the taste is similar enough :)
My dad used to love this with his afternoon tea, I regretted not to learn how to make this from my mom but oh well...at least i used to accompany him eating it and drinking tea with him. well anyways...I'd better stop writing about him as it makes me teary eyed ...sooo...onto something cheery now!
I bought this mug for my father in law, hubby says it would make him laugh..which it does! I really love hubby's father, he's so funny and kind to me, and his birthday is only one day after mine on the same month too! he used to work in a merchant ship, travelled around the world. He loved to share his stories with me and we became drinking partners as he loves gin and tonic like i do! He's not feeling well recently and I always pray for his health as i really really love him! always hug and kiss me with warmth everytime we meet, always on my side when hubby teased me and always winked in a cheeky way to make me smile!
We had a nice lunch at hubby's parents followed by a game of chinese chequers that my mother in law still has it as it was a gift that her late father gave her when she was a child, to think that my mother in law's age is now over 70 years old! but of course i won all the time though i've never played it before hehe
Sorry for a non related tea post today but if any consolation, i'm drinking tea while typing this hehe. Happy Father's Day too all fathers in the world!
Have a Tealicious Time!
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