As promised, i'm posting some photos of a cat and a little story about her.
About 2 years ago, when My husband, his parents and I were having a barbeque lunch in our backyard, a cat suddenly appeared out of our next door back yard, no name tag and seems to want some food from us, abit skittish at first but after a few hands that offered her some pieces of meat, she became abit more friendly, since then she appeared every lunch time in my backyard and I always ready to give her some cheese or leftover meals we had until one day she decided to also appear in dinner time outside my kitchen door and then when i offered her to come inside the house and feed her inside, she doesn't like to stay long though inside but instead love to sit outside the kitchen door or at the back gate, just sat there for hours which got me thinking maybe she's a stray cat but hubby thought to ask the neighbors if they had this cat which none of them said they had, so a year later on a winter day, she was still there waiting for me to feed her and she spent more times inside when it's raining or snowing.

She is now sometimes spent some nights in our home, she became quite fat now that one day my husband said while looking at her sleeping, "she's a ball of fur, she become so fat now that you can roll her if she can't walk anymore", of course he's joking, he always calls her furball, i was asked once what to call her, i told my husband, I don't want to name her because if i did, I'd be more attached to her than before and since I'm very sensitive and had once many pets that either some left me coz they died or I had to leave them behind coz I had to move to England and cant afford to bring them here and that's heartbreaking for me, I hate having pets coz i know they will die and leave me, and also I remember a quote from one of my all time movie "Breakfast at Tiffanys":
Holly Golightly says: He's all right! Aren't you, cat? Poor cat! Poor slob! Poor slob without a name! The way I see it I haven't got the right to give him one. We don't belong to each other. We just took up one day by the river. I don't want to own anything until I find a place where me and things go together. I'm not sure where that is but I know what it is like. It's like Tiffany's.
..anyways, on Christmas day, The cat was given christmas gifts from us and she seems to love it, well more like she loves playing with the ribbon on the gift though :)
I do love taking pictures of her, coz she's beautiful but last year she was banned to enter the house by my husband coz she spread her fleas onto the carpet and me coz i have a very sensitive skin and the fleas somehow love to bite me as well, it's weird that they dont like my husband's skin though, I had to clean the carpet, vaccuum them everyday and put some flea repellant to the cat and myself, hard work but finally the cat can be allowed inside again, coz I begged hubby for that.

So she's back sleeping with us, I remember some days when I was lonely at home alone while my husband was working and I got so homesick and I cried, she jumped onto my lap and nudged me to give her a fuss and looked at me with those beautiful big eyes as if to say "there, there, I'm here with you so don't cry". She is one who doesnt like to sit on people's lap, even with my husband she's always giving distance and easily skittish whenever strangers or my parents in law came to visit, she's very independent and I guess it's a blessing that she chose to stay with us however not often and chose to give us her loyalty by visiting us and sometimes I think she understands me. I love her and I know it's too late now to distance myself from her coz some days I can't wait to go home to feed her or worrying if she has eaten or not whenever i was away with friends :)
Sorry for the long entry, there are so many photos of her that I can't possibly put all of them but maybe next time...Have a great Weekend!