I would like to give a BIG thank you to
Scarlett for nominating me for her Blog Award, I must say I'm so touched by it and never thought that my blog deserves it at all and I also want to congratulate her for recieving a Blog Award, now THAT is a well deserved one because her blog is so inspiring and I always enjoy visiting her blog and look forward to her post on her finds from car boot sales to thrift stores/charity shops, She's got the talent and the skill for bargaining and finding treasures! Do say hello and visit her blog by clicking her button below :)
....I never want the weekend to end! especially when my husband took me down town for shopping, now I dont shop for clothing often, not even once a month and when I do, I tend to see if there's a Sale going on in the shops. I fully aware our financial problem when there are lots of job cuts going on at the moment and my husband is the only person who puts food on the table because I still have no luck finding a job for myself and help him financially.
Anyways, I went to "New Look" today and they're having a SALE! I bought three dresses for £15 and i'm fortunate enough to find a dress with my size as I saw some that I like but they dont have my size. I am so grateful for my husband for trying to make me happy and I'm blessed to have him as my husband, Thank you for the shopping trip! xoxo
Note: The brown with black collar (the biggest image) and the Black and white striped (smaller image on the left) are the dresses I bought in New Look, the floral and black dress (on the left) I bought in separate occasion months ago, I didn't put the 3rd dress i bought coz i wanted the picture to have a theme which is Collared Dresses (not sure what's the proper fashion word for those) :)
I wish everyone have a great and Blessed Sunday!